New Zealand's musical heritage dates back to the arrival of the first Māori in Aotearoa. Musical traditions, in the form of waiata (songs) and haka (dance), were passed down from generation to generation and grew from their Polynesian roots

Ko Au ko au
Ko au, ko au ténei - This is me
Ko koe, ko koe ténä - That is you
Ko ia, ko ia térä - That is her/him over there
Kei te mahi ngä mahi - All busy working
Töia mai te waka nei - Haul this canoe ashore
Kumea mai te waka nei - Drag this canoe ashore
Ki te takotoranga takoto ai - To its special resting place
Tiriti te mana motuhake - And the Treaty bestowing on us our absolute authority
Te tangi a te manu e - Heralded by the cry of the bird
Pïpïwharauroa - The shining cuckoo
Kui, kui, kui - Calling, calling
Whiti, whiti ora - For good to prevail
Hui e, täiki e - As we unite together as one